5. Write a program to calculate the area of a Rectangle & a Square using the concept of overloading.
6. Create a complex class with data members as real and imaginary. Overload three constructors to initialize the data members (i.e. default, normal, and through object initialization). Provide methods which returns object of the complex class as the result for addition, subtraction, multiplication of two complex numbers.
7. Write a program to maintain the office database using single inheritance. Superclass is Employee that contain the information as follows- Emp_code, Emp_name, Address, Ph_no, Da-80%, Hra-15%. Create three subclass of Manager, Typist, officer each class having their own basic pay.
8. Write a program to display the inner-volume and outer-volume of a machine using an interface called Volume. Assume that there is a part in a machine having three dimension s1,s2,s3 and
Outvolume=4/3* pi*s1*s2*s3
9. Define an Exception “NoMatchFoundException” that is thrown when “Kolkata” is not found from the following set of strings.
city name ={ Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Amedabad}