
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twitter Hovercard: Preview Tweep Details Directly From Timeline

This week twitter introduced another cool new feature-HoverCard. Hover your mouse pointer over any username, and twitter will preview details of that tweep like Name, Place and a more button (Shown in the pic above).

When you click on the More...button the Hovercard expands as below 

And now you get to see the Web,Bio,Latest Tweet & Tweet, Following, Follower,List count. 

You can control Device Update & ReTweet option for that tweep from lower left corner, and Reply,DM,Unfollow,Block or Report SPAM from the option in lower right corner. 

Wish: Only one feature I want in this Hovercard, that is capability of adding it to List. 
Tell us whether you like or not this feature. 

You can check out the following articles in my Personal Growth Blog: 

Sourav Ghosh
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