
Thursday, January 7, 2010

SocialMention-Real Time Social Media Analysis

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If you want to measure real time influence of your brand in Social Media, you are definitely going to like Social Mention, and the good news is this is completely free service. You can search for your brand name in individual social media sources or in all sources together. The result page is like below:

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Strength is the likelihood that your brand is being discussed in Social Media. A very simple calculation is used: phrase mentions within the last 24hours divided by total possible mentions.
Sentiments is the ratio of mentions that are generally positive to those that are generally negative.
Passion is the measure of likelihood that individuals talking about your brand will do so repeatedly.
Reach is the measure of range of influence.
Sentiment gives you the number of mentions by sentiments.

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Top Keywords gives you the most frequently used keywords and number of times mentioned.
Top Users Authors who frequently mention the searched term.
Top Hashtags Most frequently used hashtags and number of times mentioned.

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PostRank PostRank scores for the result.
Source Sources included in this result and number of items in each source.

Now measure influence of your brand and give  your feedback. If you liked this post, you can subscribe to my feed from here.

Sourav Ghosh
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